
Exploring LinkedIn Recommendations: Your Guide to Writing One

People influence people. In fact, when someone recommends a certain restaurant, a product, or a service, we show interest. If they are effective and convincing, we might even try it. Recommendations are not a strange and new thing in job search. We sometimes ask our colleagues for their opinion on someone that we are eyeing to eye or a job that we are eyeing to apply for. Writing a LinkedIn recommendation is one such thing.

It goes both ways. Sometimes, we hear a friend, an acquaintance, or a colleague recommend a job that they think we would be interested in. In some cases, people also ask for recommendations of their peers. Nonetheless, we can say that other people’s opinion has a great impact on our decision making.

In today’s day and age, social media and maximizing whatever we have online is a must. Especially in one’s job search, it is important that they maximize all resources they have. One of these in LinkedIn, a site that professionals use to connect with peers and other professionals, and which basically serves as their online resume. You probably already have your own LinkedIn profile. And you may already know that, just like the traditional resume, we also often come across jobs that deem it a plus to have a recommendation from our colleagues or previous supervisors. In this digital world, recommendations can now also be found on LinkedIn profiles. They want to know more or to simply verify the skills that you have.

If this is something new for you, read more below to get to know the basics of a LinkedIn recommendation. Also, read on for a few LinkedIn recommendation examples that will help you write one for your connections.

What is a LinkedIn Recommendation?

A LinkedIn recommendation is a written statement from a colleague, a peer, a past or present supervisor about their experience working with the job seeker. LinkedIn shows these recommendations on the receiver’s profile. In this way, when potential employers browse one’s profile for reference, they may be able to see the recommendations other professionals have given the job seeker.

Other than seeing the basic information that they need, potential employers can also get this information that may help them decide if the applicant is a perfect fit for the job. This also helps them get a glimpse of how the job seeker works as an employee, supervisor, or a colleague.

Do you plan to write one for a superior or a subordinate? Or have you received a request from a previous colleague? Read on to guide you.

What Should a Good LinkedIn Recommendation Have?

The best LinkedIn recommendation examples available online have the same basic principles. Briefly describe your relationship with the person; praise the specific skills of the person you are recommending; steer away from stiff statements; keep it short but meaningful; and include a lasting and impressive statement.

To better help you in write a great LinkedIn recommendation, let us discuss these principles one by one.

linkedin mobile with laptop and planner

Briefly describe your relationship.

Of course, the best LinkedIn recommendation examples should include why you are credible enough to be giving a recommendation. Did you work for the same company or just collaborate on a particular side project? How long did you work with them? Are you a partner or colleague for a certain project? Make sure to give a statement that is strong enough to express the significance of why they should be honoring the recommendation from you. Also, make sure to also reiterate that your experience working with him or her was, of course, positive and meaningful.

Give praises on specific skills of the person you are recommending.

Make sure that you do not give vague statements on the recommendation you are writing. You will not find a LinkedIn recommendation example that says “John would be a great addition to your team.” Although, this may be a positive praise, make sure that you mention why John would be a great addition to their team. Was he a reliable accountant? Did John provide a stellar performance on the advertising campaign that you worked on? Was John an exemplary editor for the book that you published last year?

Here’s a tip: Always highlight and mention specific skills that the person has. But of course, make sure that you did see and experience firsthand the specific skills that you are praising. This goes hand in hand with the brief description of your working relationship with the person.

Steer away from stiff statements.

It helps to make your recommendation sound more personal than professional. This way, the person who will be reading your recommendation would feel that they are reading a recommendation written by a real person. Just like when you are talking with someone face to face, make it conversational if you can. If you write a very stiff and overly professional recommendation, it would sound as if you are just writing a person’s resume in paragraph form. A good LinkedIn recommendation example is something easy and enjoyable to read.

Keep it short and meaningful.

No one wants to read a novella about how someone did a great job while you were working with them. A good recommendation should be simple. Make it simple and sweet. Do not beat around the bush and make sure that when someone reads your recommendation, they would easily get the point. Make sure that after reading your recommendation, they would not hesitate to look into the person you are recommending and that they will not think twice of considering your recommendations.

Include a lasting and impressive statement.

Most of the time, lasting and impressive call-to-action statements are often found toward the end of a recommendation. Having that said; feel free to put it anywhere else in your recommendation. Just make sure that it would give the impact and attention that you would like it to have.

In addition, make sure that you reiterate the purpose of this recommendation: to get this specific person hired for a specific skillset. Include statements such as “If you are looking for an effective freelance writer to join your team, [insert name] is surely the perfect candidate.” Or “[insert name] has been one of my best choices when it comes to graphic design ever since I worked with her for this specific ad campaign.”

businessman writing a linkedin recommendation on his laptop

LinkedIn Recommendation Examples

If you ever found yourself being requested for a LinkedIn recommendation, you now know how to give some of the best ones! Surely the recipient would be happy to get a recommendation that is carefully crafted and would even be considering returning the favor. Remember, networks online are just as important and helpful as the networks we have offline.

Here are a couple of LinkedIn recommendation examples.

Example #1

“I directly supervised Susan during her tenure at Company AB from 2017 to 2019. As the company’s production manager, I oversaw her work every day along with those of her coworkers. In those two years we worked together, I can say without question that she was the most efficient staff under my supervision. In fact, in 2018, Susan was one of only 4 out of 80 employees that exceeded the production quota for that year.

If you’re looking for rock-star staff who can give more than what she’s asked for, look no further.”

Example #2

“I met David about 4 years ago, and we had the opportunity to work on a project for Tenet, Inc. The company needed a part-time social media specialist to manage the company’s social media accounts.

Stepping in to the plate, David took charge of the photography and photo editing for the company’s accounts, displaying his creative flair to ensure audience engagement and brand awareness. The result? Tenet’s social media following, likes, and activity increased by 35%. It was so impressive that our CEO advised me to talk David into joining Tenet full time.

David ultimately decided to pursue a flexible employment structure, which I still believe is the company’s loss. Nevertheless, I can’t say enough to speak of his ability to bring positive results—efficient and quick.”

Additional Points to Consider

Remember: The best LinkedIn recommendation examples you can find online are the ones that have clear and specific purpose. Recommendations online should be as effective as those that we hear face to face, and able to convince the reader to be more interested with that person. It should be enough to pique the interest of a potential employer and to push them to get to know more about the skills that would be relevant to the job.

Maximizing the online tools we have right now would go a long way. With everything online right now, having an online professional presence is key to landing and securing a job. Keep in mind that apart from resumes, one’s LinkedIn profile can give their job search a needed boost. Hence, building a network online is also important.

Finally, if you ever find yourself on the receiving side of a LinkedIn recommendation, just make sure to express your gratitude for this gesture. Since you now know how helpful it would be for your online profile, it is best to say thank you for your connection to go the extra mile for this.

Need Help with Your LinkedIn Profile?

Before you can have a LinkedIn recommendation from someone or have a recommendation written for someone else, however, you need to have a LinkedIn profile first. Having a LinkedIn profile is effective when showcasing your skills and experience. And making it stand out will help you achieve your professional goals. If you are having a hard time putting up one, Resume Professional Writers is here to help. Check out our LinkedIn profile services or talk to one of our career experts today to help you create a professional and standout LinkedIn profile!

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