
Tips in Choosing the Best LinkedIn Background Photo to Boost Your Profile

With the advent of social media, more people are engaging in several online platforms to connect with other people. Aside from the usual networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, people have also subscribed to professional networking sites like LinkedIn. Like other social media platforms, you can connect and communicate through LinkedIn.

In this digital age, even job posting and job hunting can be done online. LinkedIn is an online resume where prospect companies and employers can see your professional background and accomplishments. In order to widen your connection in a professional platform such as LinkedIn, you must be able to build an impressive image. One way of doing that is to take full advantage of your LinkedIn background photo.

What is a LinkedIn Background Photo?

You might say, “I do have a profile picture; why do I need a background photo?” Well, the answer is that a background banner can definitely benefit you more. Yes, the profile picture can increasingly make a good impression, too. Nonetheless, having a background banner allows you to maximize the space and purpose of your profile.

Most often than not, LinkedIn users don’t bother uploading a LinkedIn background photo. Probably it’s because they don’t know its purpose and importance. As a job seeker, you might have been focusing your attention on building an impressive online profile.

Having that said; while it is your competencies that the companies look for, the banner image is the first thing visitors will see when they come across your profile. The background photo can depict the industry or activities you are involved in, or it can simply catch interest at a first glance.

Importance of LinkedIn Background Photo

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. A picture alone may convey an idea more quickly and effectively than the words. Although words can tell you the whole story, a picture will attract attention and interest and so, they will dig deeper into the story.

Similarly, when looking at someone’s profile picture, you perceive them based on your bias—but it will never tell a story. But with the use of a background image, you can present your profession or your personality. You can feature your industry or show your interests through the background image. That way, others can see it in a more objective manner because they are looking at a particular detail you want them to see.

They say that you can create a solid impression within the first 7 seconds of meeting in person. Even with the rise of social networks, first impressions still apply. If you want to establish a good impression within seconds, then best present yourself with LinkedIn background photo.

Hence, it is very important that you spend time and effort on your background photo.

Linkedin On Mobile Device
LinkedIn on mobile device

How to Choose a LinkedIn Background Photo

Now that you know how important the background image is, you might ask, “How will I choose a compelling and unique photo?” You should remember that your LinkedIn banner photo is your personal brand. Hence, your background image must highlight your skills, achievements and even your interests.

To get you started, here are some ideas on what to choose for your LinkedIn background photo.

1. Your Workspace

This is one of the basic background images you can use for your LinkedIn profile. Whatever industry you are in or interested in, a picture of workspace connotes professionalism. Your workspace can feature a desk with a laptop, pads of papers, pen and calendar. You can also feature a boardroom meeting with your colleagues or clients.

A tip to remember is to keep your workspace should be clean and decluttered.

2. A Picture that Represents Your Industry

Whether you are currently employed or want to be part of a particular industry, you can use images related to that industry. You can opt for photos of tools used in the trade or the industry’s product or services.

Using this kind of photo shows your dedication to your craft. It can also ace marketing strategies for a new company. For instance, people involved in the media and creatives can feature a studio setup or a close-up photo of a camera. On the other hand, aspiring writers can use an image of a laptop or a typewriter with a pen.

Female Photographer Setting Her Linkedin Background Photo
Female photographer setting her LinkedIn background photo

3. A Personal Photo of Your Interests and Hobbies

While LinkedIn is a professional platform, it doesn’t mean that all contents should all be about your profession. A photo of you engaging in your interests and hobbies is a great way to grab one’s attention.

It is important to note that a personal photo can make visitors take more interest and understand you as a person. This is a great way to connect with people of same interests as you. That way, you can even widen your circle and be more engaged.

4. Cause or Mission

Aside from your interests and hobbies, you can also share your advocacies or cause with other people. Advocacies aren’t usually included in a LinkedIn profile. And so, using it as your LinkedIn background photo can attract attention. It is recommended to use an outdoor photo as it differs from the usual work-related photos.

In addition, sharing your advocacy shows that you are trying to create an impact in your field and not solely focusing on your basic job. For example, if you support marine wildlife preservation, you can feature a picture of aquatic life underwater.

5. Inspirational Quotes

When the abovementioned photos don’t apply, you can never go wrong with using inspirational quotes as your banner photo. Although it doesn’t relate to your industry, people can understand what your personality and motivation are. A simple quote can spark inspiration to others.

Best Size of a LinkedIn Background Photo

Regardless of what photo you opt for, make sure that it is the appropriate size for the LinkedIn background photo. There are different LinkedIn profiles–a business page or a personal account. Either way, it is recommended to use a banner photo size of 1584 x 396 pixels. Make sure to optimize the LinkedIn cover photo size so that it can be viewed whether using a desktop or a mobile phone.

Where to Find the Best LinkedIn Background Photos

While there are hundreds of photos to choose from Google Images, most of these are not legal for you to use. Hence, it’s best to use a personal photo. Aside from legal implications, a personal photo adds creativity and personality to your profile.

If you don’t have any personal photos to use, opt for stock photos online. Many websites offer license-free stock photos such as Canva, Pexels, Unsplash, and Visme. Visit these websites and then enter keywords related to the picture of your choice.

Just remember, whether you grab photos online or use own photo, make sure to upload high-quality images in your LinkedIn banner.

Pexels Provides Royalty-Free Stock Photos You Can Use For Your Linkedin Background Photo
Pexels provides royalty-free stock photos you can use for your LinkedIn background photo

How to Add or Change Your LinkedIn Background Photo?

To add or change your LinkedIn banner photo, follow the steps below:

In the upper right of your feed, click View Profile. In your profile, select the camera icon in the upper right corner and then you can now upload a photo. You can even crop, zoom or reposition your cover photo. You can also adjust the properties like brightness and saturation. LinkedIn also offers different filters for customization.

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile with the Help of the Experts

It’s worth taking time to add a LinkedIn background photo. It will help you create a positive impression and build rapport with other LinkedIn users. Your banner photo doesn’t need to be grand or vain. You can opt for a minimal yet powerful image that can send your message across. Just remember that your profile banner should reinforce your online profile.

Do you still need help in picking an appropriate banner photo? Let our expert LinkedIn profile writers help you out! Resume Professional Writers offers several LinkedIn profile writing services to aid your job search needs. Contact us today!

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